Welcome to my website!

I’m Hossein Molavi, a 2B Computer Engineering student with a strong passion for technology and problem-solving.

Have a look at my qualifications

Resume PDF

Let me share some highlights from my professional journey and the exciting projects I’ve been involved in.

Languages: Python, C, C++, JavaScript, Bash, VHDL, ARMv7
Frameworks/Libraries: React, Node, Flask
Tools: Git, Docker, PyCharm, GCP, VSCode, Visual Studio

During my internship at Lifestyle Home Products, I made significant contributions. I spearheaded the development of a company website, which was projected to generate over 900 leads valued at $850k annually. Additionally, I successfully optimized their Google Ads campaign, resulting in a 15% reduction in expenditure (approximately $200K). Furthermore, I streamlined the process of retrieving internal analytics by implementing a new API-backed user interface.

At Princess Margaret Hospital, I served as a Software Developer Intern, actively contributing to the realm of genomics. I leveraged Python to develop tools for querying genomic datasets and efficiently constructed data pipelines on a supercomputer, achieving a fourfold reduction in processing time. I also conducted research on human chromatin structures, exploring potential solutions for cancer prevention using HiC-ProV3.

Let me highlight some noteworthy projects I’ve undertaken:

Toyota Computer Vision Challenge
Out of a pool of 300+ candidates, I was privileged to receive the top prize for accomplishing the fastest challenge completion time. I devised a C++ program, utilizing the Orbbec Astra SDK, to track Toyota cars. By successfully capturing an image of the car once it crossed the designated checkpoint, I triumphantly completed the challenge.

Sorting Algorithm Visualizer
Using the powerful combination of React and Python Flask, I created an interactive visualizer that demonstrates the functionality of the five most popular sorting algorithms. This project not only honed my programming skills but also serves as a valuable educational resource for others.

Firefighter Robot
I engineered an autonomous robot with the capability to autonomously search for and extinguish fires. By enhancing the wall tracking algorithm using BASIC and integrating three IR sensors, I ensured the robot’s efficiency and reliability in combating fires.

Ultimate Gym Bro
As a creative endeavor, I developed a Python-based ChatGPT agent that embodies the personality of a gym trainer. This interactive agent provides users with personalized workout guidance, motivation, and tailored training tips.

Face Detection Module with Arduino
Employing Python and the OpenCV library, I developed a dynamic face detection software that operates in real-time. By establishing a serial connection, I seamlessly facilitated communication with Arduino, unlocking exciting possibilities for further applications.

View Resume PDF
But don’t just my word for it

Hear it from my Employers and Co-Workers

The Lifestyle Home Products team was thrilled to have Hossein join us this semester. During his tenure with the company, he made a massive impact on our companies productive output, participated in a series of strategic meetings, and quickly won the favor of the executive board.

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Mathew Brown, Marketing Director | Lifestyle Home Products

Hossein was a great individual to work with as he displayed an impressive consistency of high work ethic and dedication. Would love to have him as a partner again and highly recommend others to embrace his skills and talent.

Sebastian Fernadaz, Global Business and Digital Arts Student | University of Waterloo

Thank you for visiting my website and taking the time to explore my experiences and projects. If you have any inquiries or collaboration opportunities, please feel free to reach out to me.