The good-old game of minesweeper with a twist, all mines are swapped with geese. Programmed in C++, the code implements recursive and bitwise operations to achieve an efficient way around keeping track of pieces type (hidden/shown, geese/no-geese, marked/no-mark).

Instead of categorizing each game-block as its own Object, this program assigns each block with a byte and using a one-dimension array we can keep track of each piece, locate it easily and determine its type. And of course since we are assigning each block a byte, we can make use of bitwise operations to change the state of each piece.

You can visit the public version of the code on my Github page.

Please note, due to policy 71 of UW I am not allowed to share the full source code, I am able to show the game play upon request.


You can visit the public version of the code on my Github page.

Please note, due to policy 71 of UW I am not allowed to share the full source code, I am able to show the game play upon request.
